never a jw
JoinedPosts by never a jw
3 words to describe.....
by punkofnice in..your experience with the watchtower corporation:.
i'll start...... bully boy elders.
never a jw
arrogant liars manipulators -
In the past we taught it, but now we teach other thing....
by opusdei1972 ini have been reading the watchtower study edition of march 2016. here some deceptive statements so as to justify their new lights:.
when were gods people held captive by babylon the great?.
that spiritual captivity lasted from the second century c.e.
never a jw
The Bible was put together and called the Word of God during the spiritual captivity (second to fourth century C.E.). So the Bible is the work of apostates,or Satan himself. -
Obama to speak from the Oval Office tonight (8:00 eastern)
by Coded Logic inthis will be only the 3rd time he's spoken from the oval office in his seven years so it's probably going to be something pretty big.
combat troops being sent into syria?
unilateral movement on gun control?.
never a jw
No edit option?
OK, my previous comment was a response to DarioK's last paragraph
The Anthropocene Extinction is underway right now due to our collective greed, jealousy, xenophobia, exploitation and outright raping of our entire planet. Good job, human race. Good job. We deserve what's coming IMHO, not from terrorists or politicians, but from Mother Nature. Her response will ultimately solve the problem (us) & bring this planet back into balance.
Obama to speak from the Oval Office tonight (8:00 eastern)
by Coded Logic inthis will be only the 3rd time he's spoken from the oval office in his seven years so it's probably going to be something pretty big.
combat troops being sent into syria?
unilateral movement on gun control?.
never a jw
Calm down. The population is large and diverse enough. Remember "survival of the fittest". In the coming years humanity is just going to be refined to live in a gradually changing environment. And contrary to what you believe, humanity is not that stupid or evil. It's only stupid enough to make mistakes, but smart enough to correct them. No need to bring your WT mentality. Just work with one human at the time to educate them into stopping and possibly even reversing the damage. Plenty of people, including those "evil" politicians are working on that already. Go back to kingdom halls meetings. They need your voice there. -
POPE to make Vatican's finances more transparent!
by The Searcher inchristendom takes the lead in changes regarding paedophile & financial openness!!.
the pope has ordered the vatican's finances to be audited by an external company.
never a jw
I meant "the public statement" above -
POPE to make Vatican's finances more transparent!
by The Searcher inchristendom takes the lead in changes regarding paedophile & financial openness!!.
the pope has ordered the vatican's finances to be audited by an external company.
never a jw
Still, the public of the pope and the hiring of an external auditor is far more than the Watchtower is willing to do or will ever do.
JW Sites?
by EternalPettingZoo inlong time lurker who just created an account.
i was raised a witness, never dunked, have new jw bride ( why u ask?
um... i do love her, just not the dub side, which is raising its little head more and more now) and a little 5 month old that i would like to have other options in life than a full time pioneer married to a 23 year old ms who works for his daddy's janitor business.
never a jw
The best thing to get her out is to have her watch Diligently watch everything that is being said and dissect it to the bare bone using reason. There's nothing better for her. If she is good material to go out, she will be out in a year. If she was born to be a drone, nothing will get her out, not JWfacts, not JWN, not even Tony. -
Another mass shooting, three or four hours ago.
by James Mixon insan bernardino california.
up to 12 people have been killed.. the center a private non-profit agency that assists people with developmental.
never a jw
Simon most the people locked up here are minor offenses and pot possession. Not violent crime. Another big mess
You are not providing data to back up your point. Most of those who committed the offenses knew the rules, but went ahead and violated them. I remember mayor Rudy Giuliani turned around New York precisely by punishing serious and petty offenses. Law enforcement has to be serious about penalties.
What's the point of making laws if they are not enforced. If you don't like the petty crime laws vote your representatives out of office,
Bible Versus Quran Experiment - Genius!
by cofty inabsolutely brilliant social experiment.
enjoy.. ....
never a jw
Christians and Muslims consider their books great moral guides and the best source of wisdom, but prefer to live under humanists' laws and principles, even though they don't admit to it. Overtime I am realizing that many non believers are far more knowledgeable about the Bible than 99% of Christians. -
Newborn Loses Faith In The Jehovah’s Witnesses After Record 6 Days
by Watchtower-Free ingreen bay, wiin a turn of events that has stunned the worldwide medical community, local infant nathan jameson, born just six days ago, has become the youngest person ever to permanently and irrevocably know jehovah's witnesses are a harmful cult..this shatters all previous records, university of chicago psychologist douglas mcallister said monday.
in all of documented medical history, there is no case of a newborn taking less than four months to develop the mental faculties required to grasp the full extent of this nightmare called jehovahs witnesses.considering he already comprehends harsh realities that most jehovahs witnesses spend their entire fleeting, shallow existences attempting to deny, baby nathan is quite the little miracle!
he added.though he has not yet developed the capacity for speech, extensive cognitive testing has definitively shown that the shockingly perceptive 6-day-old fully understands and accepts that jehovahs witnesses cannot be trusted, that they remain far too ignorant for their opinions to be reliable, that a lack of self-awareness about their own destructive cult pervades them as a whole, and that most are too ineffectual to successfully pursue facts evidence and reason.sources said the early-blooming newborn was putting two and two together about the real nature of the jehovahs witnesses cult even before leaving the hospital, where his first sensory experiences included the shouts of sick people arguing to get treatment they urgently needed, visitors staring vacantly at smartphones as they scanned for fear inspired motivation.local reports confirmed the babys disillusionment was only compounded by the fact that he spent his first days in the bleak and soulless company of jehovahs witness relatives , their empty cult non-culture allowing him to realize in record time that all jw pursuits are cold, joyless, and devoid of any substantive purpose or integrity.for a baby, he sure is an insightful little guy, nathans mother, melanie jameson, told reporters.
never a jw
I cast the dislike button. It's a piece of crap, even without the editing.